石英晶体微天平(Quartz Crystal Microbalance-QCM)的发展始于上世纪60年代初期,它是一种非常灵敏的质量检测仪器,其测量精度可达纳克级,比灵敏度在微克级的电子微天平高100 倍,理论上可以测到的质量变化相当于单分子层或原子层的几分之一。石英晶体微天平利用了石英晶体谐振器的压电特性,将石英晶振电极表面质量变化转化为石英晶体振荡电路输出电信号的频率变化,进而通过计算机等其他辅助设备获得高精度的数据。
ATTANA特点1 –直接进行细胞层面的检测

ATTANA特点2 –针对原样进行高通量检测

通过Attana,科学家可以通过对原样的分析(高致 100%的血清或细胞裂解液)及实验中温度的控制,最大程度地还原体内环境,实验所得细胞与分子间的生物化学反应数据最为真实可靠。
通过消除样本的纯化、标记或预处理,ATTANA加快了分子及克隆筛选和免疫反应的监控,最大程度节约研发时间。同时,ATTANA的生物传感器可以被用于研究反应特异性﹑亲和力﹑动力学参数及其他生化结合特性, 亦可以用于研究不同细胞﹑抗体﹑蛋白﹑病毒及细菌的宏观结构。
使用ATTANA 200系统以及低非特异性结合表面建立一个快速决定解离常数(kd)的方法,从而对可以与一个配体发生反应的细菌裂解液中的支架蛋白进行分级。
实验结果 &结论:
COP-1 sensor chip
LNB-Carboxyl sensor chip
Carboxyl sensor chip
Biotin sensor chip
Polystyrene sensor chip
Amine Coupling Kit
Mouse IgG Capture Kit
Human IgG Capture Kit
Streptavidin reagent
HBS-T 10x Running Buffer HBS-T 10x缓冲液
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology, 2013, Issue 46, 48-51Talking Sense – A combined biochemical and cell-based biosensorT. Aastrup
Anal Bioanal Chem 4 April 2014, DOI 10.1007/s00216-014-7821-9Partial-filling affinity capillary electrophoresis and quartz crystal microbalance with adsorption energy distribution calculations in the study of biomolecular interactions with apolipoprotein E as interaction partnerLipponen, T?hk?, Samuelsson,Jauhiainen, Metso, Cilpa-Karhu, Fornstedt, Kostiainen, Riekkola
Biosensors 2014, 4(2), 137-149A Phage Display Screening Derived Peptide with Affinity for the Adeninyl MoietyElmlund, S?derberg, Suriyanarayanan, Nicholls
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 731-733Entropy-driven lectin-recognition of multivalent glycovesiclesZineb Mouline, Eugene Mahon, Emeline Gomez, Veronique Barragan-Montero, Jean-Louis Montero and Mihail Barboiu
Analytical Biochemistry 443 (2013) 139–147Three complementary techniques for the clarification of temperature effect on low-density lipoprotein–chondroitin-6-sulfate interactionCilpa-Karhu, Lipponen, Samuelsson, ??rni, Fornstedt, Riekkola
Biosens Bioelectron. 2014 Mar 15;53:154-9Atmospheric pressure plasma polymers fortuned QCM detection of protein adhesionRusu, Asandulesa, Topala, Pohoata, Dumitrascu, Barboiu
J Nanobiotechnology. 2014 Mar 21;12:8Biotin selective polymer nano-filmsElmlund, Suriyanarayanan, Wiklander, Aastrup, Nicholls
Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 1–7Multivalent Recognition of Concanavalin?A by {Mo132} Glyconanocapsules-Toward Biomimetic Hybrid MultilayersBarboiu, Mouline, Silion, Licsandru, Simionescu, Mahon, Pinteala
PLoS ONE 8(8): e72156 August 19, 2013Antagonistic TNF Receptor One-Specific Antibody (ATROSAB): Receptor Binding and In Vitro BioactivityRichter, Liebig, Guenzi, Herrmann, Scheurich, Pfizenmaier, Kontermann
Protein Engineering, Design & Selection, 8 August, 2013An anti-TNFR1 scFv-HSA fusion protein as selective antagonist of TNF actionVerena Berger, Fabian Richter, Kirstin Zettlitz, Felix Unverdorben, Peter Scheurich, Andreas Herrmann, Klaus Pfizenmaier and Roland E. Kontermann
J Virol. 2013 Jul;87(13):7747-53Protection by immunoglobulin dual-affinity retargeting antibodies against dengue virusBrien, Sukupolvi-Petty, Williams, Lam, Schmid, Johnson, Harris, Diamond
Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics Conference - The Annual Meeting of the Antibody Society, Dec. 8-12, 2013, Huntington Beach, CA, USACell-Antibody Interaction Study Using Herceptin? (trastuzumab) Binding to SKOV-3 Epithelial Cancer Cells Characterized by Attana? Quartz Crystal Microbalance TechnologyL. Elmlund, C. K?ck, L. Kaiser, T. Aastrup, I.A. Nicholls
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2013)Protein-resistant hyperbranched polyethyleneimine brush surfacesSubramanian Suriyanarayanan, Hung-Hsun Lee, Bo Liedberg, Teodor Aastrup, Ian A. Nicholls.
ChemComm, 30 July 2013A suspension-cell biosensor for real-time determination of binding kinetics of protein–carbohydrate interactions on cancer cell surfacesXueming Li, Yuxin Pei, Ruina Zhang, Qi Shuai, Feng Wang, Teodor Aastrup and Zhichao Pei
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 34 (2012) 51–56Photogenerated lectin sensors produced by thiol-ene/yne photo-click chemistry in aqueous solutionOscar Norberg, Irene H. Lee, Teodor Aastrup, Mingdi Yan and Olof Ramstr?m
Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2012)(In Press)A novel approach to determining the affinity of protein–carbohydrate interactions employing adherent cancer cells grown on a biosensor surfaceDiluka Peiris, Anatoliy Markiv, G. Paul Curley, Miriam V. Dwek
Poster presented at Asian Communication for Glycobiology and Glycotechnology, Oct 2012Cell-Based Biosensors: A Quartz Crystal Microbalance Approach to the Study of Carbohydrate-LectinInteractionsZhichaoPei, JulienSaint-Guirons, Camilla K?ck, Bjorn Ingemarsson2, TeodorAastrup
ICS conference Sep 2012, PolandSearching by Affinity Ranking for the IC2 Monoclonal Autoantibody Targeted Autoantigenic Epitope on the Surface of Pancreatic Beta-CellsIda Dalgaard Pedersen, Kathrine Louise Jensen, Camilla K?ck, Theodor Aastrup, Mickael Blaise, Anna ?kesson.
Doctoral thesis - KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Trita-CHE-Report, ISSN 1654-1081; TRITA-CHE Report 2012:49Grafted Molecular Layers for Control of Surface PropertiesDunér, Gunnar
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology - Issue 40(2012) (Online)A New Generation of Cell-BiosensorsMiriam Dwek and Teodor Aastrup
Drug Discovery and Development (05/14/2012)Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technology Provides Biologically Relevant DataTeodor Aastrup and Ingo Montenbruck
A biosensor-based concept for antibody-GPCR interaction studies using immobilized lipoparticlesSamuel Altun, Magnus Br?ndén, Teodor Aastrup, Torbj?rn Pettersson
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 27 Feb. 2012, 2012:7 905–914Functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes and their binding to cancer cellsS.Y. Madani, A. Tan, M. Dwek, A. Seifalian
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20 Feb. 2012 (Online)Real-time analysis of the carbohydrates on cell surfaces using a QCM biosensor: a lectin-based approachZ- Pei, J. Saint-Guirons, C. K?ck, B. Ingemarsson, T. Aastrup
Analytical Biochemistry 421 (2012) 351–361Domain-based assays of individual antibody concentrations in an oligoclonal combination targeting a single proteinQ. Meng, M. Li, M.A. Silberg, F. Conrad, J. Bettencourt, R. To, C. Huang, J. Ma, K. Meyer, R. Shimizu, L. Cao, M.T. Tomic, J.D. Marks
Protein Eng Des Sel. 2012 Feb;25(2):81-8.Half-life extension of a single-chain diabody by fusion to domain B of staphylococcal protein AUnverdorben, F?rber-Schwarz, Richter, Hutt, Kontermann
Vaccine, 2012 Jan 11;30(3):572-9The effect of adjuvants on the immune response induced by a DBL4?-ID4 VAR2CSA based Plasmodium falciparum vaccine against placental malariaPinto VV, Salanti A, Joergensen LM, Dahlb?ck M, Resende M, Ditlev SB, Agger EM, Arnot DE, Theander TG, Nielsen MA.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.311522, December 6, 2011Plasma half-life extension of small recombinant antibodies by fusion to immunoglobulin-binding domains (IgBD)Meike Hutt, Aline F?rber-Schwarz, Felix Unverdorben, Fabian Richter & Roland E. Kontermann
PLoS ONE 6(9): e24558 2011, September 13, 2011In Vitro Evolution of Allergy Vaccine Candidates, with Maintained Structure, but Reduced B Cell and T Cell Activation CapacityOla B. Nilsson, Justus Adedoyin, Claudio Rhyner, Theresa Neimert-Andersson, Jeanette Grundstr?m, Kurt D. Berndt, Reto Crameri, Hans Gr?nlund
J Biol Chem. 2011 Oct 14;286(41):35699-707Unbinding of hyaluronan accelerates the enzymatic activity of bee hyaluronidaseIliás, Liliom, Greiderer-Kleinlercher, Reitinger, Lepperdinger
J Immunol 2011; 186:959-968Neonatal FcR Overexpression Boosts Humoral Immune Response in Transgenic MiceCervenak, Bender, Schneider, Magna, Valer Carstea, Liliom, Erdei, Bosze and Kacskovics
Analytical Biochemistry, 414 (2011) 117–124Polyethylene glycol-stabilized lipid disks as model membranes in interaction studies based on electrokinetic capillary chromatography and quartz crystal microbalanceK. Vainikka, K. Reijmar, G. Yohannes, J. Samuelsson, K. Edwards, M. Jussila, M.-L. Riekkola
Journal of Biological Chemistry, August 12, 2011Unbinding of hyaluronan accelerates the enzymatic activity of bee hyaluronidaseAttila Iliás, Károly Liliom, Brigitte Greiderer-Kleinlercher, Stephan Reitinger and Günter Lepperdinger
Analyst 2011, 136, 3777-3782Collagen I and III and their decorin modified surfaces studied by atomic force microscopy and the elucidation of their affinity toward positive apolipoprotein B-100 residue by quartz crystal microbalanceWitos J, Saint-Guirons J, Meinander K, D'Ulivo L, Riekkola ML
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology 2011, June; 34-40Improving the Developability of BiopharmaceuticalsZurdo J, Michael R, Stallwood Y, Hedman K and Aastrup T
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2011 Sep;77(17):6165-71Magnetosome expression of functional camelid antibody fragments (nanobodies) in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldensePollithy, Romer, Lang, Müller, Helma, Leonhardt, Rothbauer, Schüler
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2011) 400:1397–1404Towards a Synthetic Avidin MimicWiklander J, Karlsson BCG, Aastrup T, Nicholls IA
Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 6040–6046Three Different Approaches for the Clarification of the Interactions between Lipoproteins and Chondroitin-6-sulfateK. Lipponen, P.W. Stege, G. Cilpa, J. Samuelsson, T. Fornstedt and M.-L. Riekkola
Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 2011, May; vol 286:18, 15908-17The Chondroitin Sulfate A-binding Site of the VAR2CSA Protein Involves Multiple N-terminal DomainsDahlb?ck M, J?rgensen LM, Nielsen MA, Clausen TM, Ditlev SB, Resende M, Pinto VV, Arnot DE, Theander TG, Salanti A
Sensors and Actuators B 153 (2011) 135–144Systematic investigation of biomolecular interactions using combined frequency and motional resistance measurementsH Anderson, G Wingqvist, T Weissbach, D Wallinder, I Katardjiev, B Ingemarsson
Analytical Chemistry (2011) 83: 1000-1007Photo-Click Immobilization on Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensors for Selective Carbohydrate-Protein Interaction AnalysesOscar Norberg, Lingquan Deng, Teodor Aastrup, Mingdi Yan and Olof Ramstr?m
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August 19, 2013ATROSAB, a humanized antagonistic anti-tumor necrosis factor receptor one specific antibodyKirstiin A Zettlitz, Verena Lorenz, Peter Scheurich, Klaus Pfizenmaier, Andreas Herrmann & Roland E. Kontermann.
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Malaria Journal 2010, 9:100The kinetics of antibody binding to Plasmodium falciparum VAR2CSA PfEMP1 antigen and modeling of PfEMP1 antigen packing on the membrane knobsLars M J?rgensen, Ali Salanti, Tina Dobrilovic, Lea Barfod, Tue Hassenkam, Thor G Theander, Lars Hviid and David E Arnot
Molecular Biotechnology (2010) 46:265–278Humanization of a Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Directed Against a Cell Surface-Exposed Epitope of Membrane-Associated Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70)Kirstin A. Zettlitz, Julia Seitter, Dafne Müller, Roland E. Kontermann
Chemical Communications, Vol. 46, Issue 14, 2441-2443, 2010Dynamic glycovesicle systems for amplified QCM detection of carbohydrate-lectin multivalent biorecognitionEugene Mahon, Teodor Aastrup and Mihail Barboiu
Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry (2010) 396: 1373-1380Quartz crystal microbalance, a valuable tool for elucidation of interactions between apoB-100 peptides and extracellular matrix componentsLucia D’Ulivo, Julien Saint-Guirons, Bj?rn Ingemarsson and Marja-Liisa Riekkola
Analytical Biochemistry vol. 398, Issue 2, 15 March 2010, Pages 161-168Optimizing immobilization on two-dimensional carboxyl surface: pH dependence of antibody orientation and antigen binding capacityZhichao Pei, Henrik Anderson, Annica Myrskog, Gunnar Dunér, Bj?rn Ingemarsson and Teodor Aastrup
Chemical Communications, Vol 46, Issue: 30, 5491-5493, 2010Multivalent recognition of lectins by glyconanoparticle systemsMahon E, Aastrup T, Barboiu M
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Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology - Issue 29(2009) (Online)Crude Sample Analysis Made EasyAlexander Kovacs
Bioconjugate Chemistry, Vol. 20, Issue 12, 2364-2370, Dec. 2009Photo-Click Immobilization of Carbohydrates on Polymeric Surfaces-A Quick Method to Functionalize Surfaces for Biomolecular Recognition StudiesOscar Norberg, Lingquan Deng, Mingdi Yan and Olof Ramstr?m
The Journal of Biological Chemistry (2009) 284, 25612-25619Biodistribution of a Bispecific Single-chain Diabody and Its Half-life Extended DerivativesRoland Stork, Emmanuelle Campigna, Bruno Robert, Dafne Müller and Roland E. Kontermann
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Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (2006) 42–48Quartz crystal microbalance bioaffinity sensor for rapid identification of glycosyldisulfide lectin inhibitors from a dynamic combinatorial libraryZhichao Pei, Rikard Larsson, Teodor Aastrup, Henrik Anderson, Jean-Marie Lehn and Olof Ramstr?m
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 15 (2005) 2707–2710Redox-responsive and calcium-dependent switching of glycosyldisulfide interactions with Concanavalin AZhichao Pei, Teodor Aastrup, Henrik Anderson and Olof Ramstr?m
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21 (2005) 60–66Study of real-time lectin–carbohydrate interactions on the surface of a quartz crystal microbalanceZhichao Pei, Henrik Anderson, Teodor Aastrup and Olof Ramstr?m
Analytical Biochemistry 341 (2005) 89-93Electro-immobilization of proinsulin C-peptide to a quartz crystal microbalance sensor chip for protein affinity purificationErmias Melles, Henrik Anderson, Daniel Wallinder, Jawed Shafqat, Tomas Bergman, Teodor Aastrup and Hans J?rnvall